Friday Announcement: TYPENU Co is Launched!

Gosh this week completely flew by and unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to create more meaningful blog content; but I am happy to announce that my little e-shop is all re-branded and launched on a beautiful site (using Shopify)!  Woohoo!

TYPENU CO – Jewelry that’s quietly minimal, always beautiful, and occasionally adorable


Last week I shared some of my personal favorite pieces while I discussed a little goal of mine for New Years, and here we are!  Okay, I kind of cheated when I made the goal because it was already in process but I just didn’t know when it was going to be completed.  Making it a concrete goal has definitely lit a fire under my ass though, which in this case isn’t a bad thing.

A little bit about the rebranding – I had named the business back when I just wasn’t sure where it would really go, and so I named it after one of my favorite french words ‘inconnue’, the feminine form of the word meaning stranger, something unfamiliar.  After awhile I didn’t feel like it really encompassed the value I wanted to have behind my brand, and so I set out to change it to the TYPENU Collective.


Inconnue marketing materials

I’m nowhere near done though; now that the shop is up and running I’m looking to find my blog a new official home too, this blog will remain with the web address under the old brand until I have a good home.

If anyone has tips of a good and affordable blog hosting service I’m all ears!  Have you ever tried to start an online business?  Which e-commerce / marketplace did you decide to go with?  I would love to hear some of your successes or challenges, and it would also really help me out to hear any constructive criticism for TYPENU Co!

Shhhh…I’ll leave you guys with a small surprise:  25% off a purchase of $15 or more using code ‘HAPPY2016’!

As We Bid 2015 Adieu…This Small Little Goal of Mine

UPDATETYPENU Co has officially launched, follow the link here.

As 2015 comes to a close and everyone starts setting those New Year goals, I would like to share one of mine – I’ve been working this past year one something that complimented my day job, and that is launching a little online art/jewelry boutique both curated and created by me.  I’ve been on smaller platforms like Etsy and Storenvy but I’ve finally decided to just take the plunge on a full on hardcore e-commerce platform using Shopify.   Why the hell not!  A rebranding is also happening as I try to make my online presence a little less fragmented, so don’t freak when this blog and my social outlets change names; it’ll still be little ole me!

We’re still a week or two out, but I’m excited to share some of recent pieces that are part of my daily jewelry rotations below.  For the time being you can acquire them through here!


Spike Chain Ear Jackets


Moon and Stars Studs

Continue reading

Alive Again: Summer Break, and Cute New Things

Hello lovelies!!

I took a break over the summer months from blogging, suddenly there was just a flurry of life events that really took me away from being able to sit down and concentrate at the computer for more than 5 minutes at a time.

But that’s boring stuff.  What’s new?!  Even though my blog has been missing out on love, I’m still working hard over on Etsy and I’m here to share some cute new things!

Cat lovers out there rejoice!


ker4 ker3 ker2 ker1


Are these not adorable.  Hope you liked them as much as I did!  As always, take 15% off your entire order this month with code: AUG15.  Deck out your hands for Fall and Back to School!

Happy shopping!

Monday Coffee and Instagram Feeds

Happy Monday guys!

This morning while doing my usual daily ritual of coffee pounding, I look at my IG feed and thought to myself, wow everything looks fantastic!  I couldn’t hit the like button fast enough.  So I thought, why not share my feed with you guys?

So without further ado, here are some solids from my IG feed.
















@house.inconnue (that’s me!)

A healthy dose of art, fashion, motivations, and locations.  It’s a good Monday indeed!

Until next time!

Happy Friday! I’ve Been a Busy Bee

Phew it’s been a week of working hard on the shop!  Listed new items, re-photoed other items, purchased materials and non-shop related items….heh heh that last part was just me taking advantage of a mid week trip into San Francisco.  I was carrying a gazillion things so I only got a few snaps while trying not to faint:

DSC01659 ramenoutfit tower

New shiny things that are now up in the shop:

XO STUd Earrings



Oh my gosh I’m seriously so excited about these little guys.  The Spike Ring and the Bar Code studs especially are now my most popular contenders!  Quantities are limited since it’s just me going at it so grab ’em if you like ’em

Oh and by the way just for you guys….. 20% off with code ‘IMPULSE’ (Etsy only).  Shhhh.

That’s all folks, happy Fuuuuuriiiiday!  Don’t forget to drop me a line!